Fund Catalogue

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From 1 to 30 of a total of 239 funds are shown List all | Next List next

Calculations made in EUR currency. *Assets under Management in millions of euros

FIDEFONDO, FI PREMIER FI SHORT TERM EUR 1.814,487809 · 03/12 3,17% 0,63% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
FIDEFONDO, FI PLUS FI SHORT TERM EUR 1.760,658243 0,39 03/12 2,88% 0,57% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
FIDEFONDO, FI BASE FI SHORT TERM EUR 1.708,360078 8,68 03/12 2,60% 0,52% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL INVERSION ETICA Y SOLIDARIA, FI PREMIER EURO CONSERVATIVE MIXED 1.441,822935 16,00 03/12 4,25% 0,12% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL INVERSION ETICA Y SOLIDARIA, FI EMPRESA EURO CONSERVATIVE MIXED 1.426,185189 3,97 03/12 4,11% 0,09% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL INVERSION ETICA Y SOLIDARIA, FI PLUS EURO CONSERVATIVE MIXED 1.426,131012 38,99 03/12 4,11% 0,09% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL INVERSION ETICA Y SOLIDARIA, FI PYME EURO CONSERVATIVE MIXED 1.371,377805 2,22 03/12 3,63% 0,02% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL INVERSION ETICA Y SOLIDARIA, FI BASE EURO CONSERVATIVE MIXED 1.338,158165 24,90 03/12 3,37% -0,02% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL FUNDS SICAV - CAPITAL APPRECIATION 2 GLOBAL MODERATE MIXED 958,260000 8,00 29/11 6,51% 0,76% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESTADOS UNIDOS BOLSA, FI PREMIER INTERNATIONAL USA EQUITIES 38,487298 1,54 03/12 33,34% 9,42% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESTADOS UNIDOS BOLSA, FI EMPRESA INTERNATIONAL USA EQUITIES 37,215268 2,83 03/12 32,66% 9,31% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESTADOS UNIDOS BOLSA, FI PLUS INTERNATIONAL USA EQUITIES 36,538356 103,79 03/12 32,66% 9,31% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESTADOS UNIDOS BOLSA, FI PYME INTERNATIONAL USA EQUITIES 36,281880 11,41 03/12 32,29% 9,25% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESTADOS UNIDOS BOLSA, FI BASE INTERNATIONAL USA EQUITIES 34,493786 195,66 03/12 31,92% 9,20% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL URQUIJO PATRIMONIO PRIVADO 2, FI GLOBAL CONSERVATIVE MIXED 25,615669 59,49 02/12 6,81% 1,16% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ECONOMIA DIGITAL, FI PREMIER TMT 24,635003 1,46 02/12 37,49% 12,87% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ECONOMIA DIGITAL, FI EMPRESA TMT 24,283844 0,29 02/12 37,17% 12,82% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ECONOMIA DIGITAL, FI PLUS TMT 24,283395 91,43 02/12 37,17% 12,82% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ECONOMIA DIGITAL, FI PYME TMT 23,940388 22,12 02/12 36,86% 12,77% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESPAŅA BOLSA FUTURO, FI PREMIER SPAIN EQUITY SMALL/MID CAP 23,654163 4,31 03/12 0,56% -4,76% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ECONOMIA DIGITAL, FI BASE TMT 23,598490 209,37 02/12 36,54% 12,72% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESPAŅA BOLSA FUTURO, FI EMPRESA SPAIN EQUITY SMALL/MID CAP 22,813541 0,83 03/12 0,00% -4,86% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESPAŅA BOLSA FUTURO, FI PYME SPAIN EQUITY SMALL/MID CAP 22,342011 2,51 03/12 -0,23% -4,90% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL ESPAŅA BOLSA FUTURO, FI PLUS SPAIN EQUITY SMALL/MID CAP 22,324829 28,90 03/12 0,00% -4,86% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL SELECCION EPSILON, FIL PREMIER HEDGE FUNDS 22,277784 13,05 02/12 15,48% 3,02% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL EUROACCION, FI PREMIER EQ EURO ZONE 21,979059 1,28 03/12 7,05% -2,95% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL SELECCION EPSILON, FIL EMPRESA HEDGE FUNDS 21,964725 3,87 02/12 15,21% 2,97% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL EURO YIELD, FI PREMIER FI EUROPE HIGH YIELD 21,691543 3,38 03/12 6,32% 1,27% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL EURO YIELD, FI EMPRESA FI EUROPE HIGH YIELD 21,539306 0,53 03/12 6,12% 1,23% Dates investment policy changes Subscription
SABADELL SELECCION EPSILON, FIL PLUS HEDGE FUNDS 21,527962 113,18 02/12 15,21% 2,97% Dates investment policy changes Subscription